Reflecting on my past 3 months journey at Amal Academy

Moving forward with better insight

Rahmah Sarfaraz
2 min readFeb 11, 2021

It is said that at the end of each month, you should be giving yourself some time to pause and reflect on the month that has passed and prepare for the month coming ahead. There’s a good chance that you will become lazy and may even see it as a time waste but let me burst the bubble for you, reflecting on your past self is worth taking some time for. By reflecting on the past month, or even year, you earn the mental space to set future goals. To summarize, reflecting allows you to review, reset, and helps ensure you move forward with insight.

“Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful.” Margaret J. Wheatley

As I reflect back on the past three months, these are some of the things I learned from my fellows at Amal, and the courses I studied that have really made a difference in making sure that my transition has gone more-or-less smoothly.

  1. Knowing my purpose
  2. Setting SMART goals
  3. Fighting procrastination using the Pomodoro technique
  4. Prioritize, prioritize and prioritize growth and learning over FUN
  5. Having a positive attitude and outlook on life while being realistic

The course “5 Secrets of Positive Thinking” had the most impact on me as it taught us the power of positive thinking to transform lives for good. The quote from ‘The Alchemist’ book written by Paulo Coelho summarizes the learning of this course in an astonishing way: “And, when you want something, the entire universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

I was a negative thinker earlier, always having a victim mindset, but the very first day of being around energized people made me feel energetic too. Emotions are contagious, but little did I know energy is contagious too. The energy you give off when you have a positive attitude and outlook on life starts showing in your life and you don’t even realize it until it becomes a part of your personality.

I learned that when negative thoughts overwhelm us, we got to force ourselves to focus on positive things. The brain is a powerful organ, controlling the entire body. But your thought process is much more influential. Your thoughts decide who you become, what you do, and the success you will have.

Look around yourselves and appreciate the simple things — even if it’s only for a few minutes. I want to end this blog with a little note- “Positive thoughts, lead to positive actions, positive actions lead to a positive life”.

“Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action.” Peter Drucker



Rahmah Sarfaraz

“The secret of success is constancy to purpose.” – Benjamin Disraeli