Kindness- A Magical Tonic that Revives your Heart

Rahmah Sarfaraz
3 min readDec 11, 2020

Kindness works every time, like a magical tonic that cures the heart and revives it, filling it with peace and love. Kindness signifies every little selfless step taken towards helping others, be it animals, plants, or human beings. Kindness, to some, seems silly or insignificant, and as I have been told many times in my life, naive. I understand we don't see it so often that it may now look silly and naive but I also believe that kindness is most needed at times like this.

“If you have a choice between being right and being kind, choose kind”

Dr. Wayne Dyer

Little things like holding a door, saying thank you, or helping your sibling with homework lead to feeling immense satisfaction. As we are in quarantine, I have tried to be more kind and I totally feel in tune with myself.

“I don’t want to be part of a world where being kind is a weakness”

Keanu Reeves

Now I will share the random acts of kindness that I did in the last 24 hours.

  1. Made tea for my Abu

My father being a tea lover, is always ready to have tea. Be it morning, evening, or midnight. Today late morning, I prepared a cup of tea just for him. This small gesture made him so so happy that I could clearly see happiness in his sparkly eyes.

2. Watered my baby

I love my plants a lot. They are my babies. This little green baby you are seeing above was not cleaned for 2 weeks. Today I chose to be extremely kind to it. I changed the water and cleaned its leaves with soap and water and now, it's a clean baby. YAAY!

3. Prepared Firni for my Family

Everyone in my family is a crazy lover of sweets. Tonight after dinner, I prepared Firni for everyone. We only make desserts on special occasions and so no one was expecting a Firni dessert. I successfully got them by surprise and they loved it.

4. Spent quality time with my friends

Went to my University for clearance work and got to meet my friends after a month. They are my walking-talking antidepressants. The not-so-costly snacks and lots of laughter packed ted-talk was much needed at this time. I offered friendly advice to my friend facing humiliation at work. She has decided to follow my advice and hopefully, things will turn good for her now.

5. Smiled at my neighbor

Disclaimer: Try not to smile at strangers, as it may creep them out 😅

I smiled at my neighbor when she was out to throw her garbage. That sure gave her the creeps and made her quickly run back to her home. This not-so-kind deed left me feeling embarrassed. Going to try it next time on a known person.

Join me in spreading a little extra kindness into this world every day.

Be kind! The world needs you ❤️



Rahmah Sarfaraz

“The secret of success is constancy to purpose.” – Benjamin Disraeli